The peach blossoms have fallen, revealing new peaches as spring launches forward.
"If I have to cover my plants one more time, I'm gonna have a hissy fit!"
The mesclun mix has grown to maturity and can be cut as a nice addition to the main course for dinner. The potato plants are looking happy and growing rapidly. After the photo was taken, I added another inch of wheat straw around the potato plants. Wheat straw was also applied to all of the walkways which I will show in next week's post. The straw will help keep moisture in the garden and control "some" of the weeds. I want to use wood chips in the future as they are usually listed for free on craigslist and look beautiful. Wheat straw costs a few buckaroos which makes it a quick and affordable solution to a common problem.
This long row of bush beans are quick growing and will provide beautiful supply of fresh green beans in only 2 months time. The plants are getting hungry and they are due for their fertilizer this coming week which will help out all of my new plants. I have no idea what to expect from my garden this year, but I can't help but to have high hopes for an abundance of veggies. My worst nightmare would be a rainy summer like last year and having to combat moisture which increases the risk of plant disease, fungus, and bugs. Keeping my fingers crossed as I am experiencing both feelings of excitement and nervousness. I keep asking myself, "What did I get myself into?"